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An old sea captain said he could always gauge the size of a ship that had passed out of sight by the size of the wake it left behind.  From the size of the wake left by Jesus, there can be no doubt that he was a great person.  But what kind of person was and was he more than a great person, as his followers claimed? 

To help people answer such questions for themselves, Mark set out to record the story of Jesus.     

Mark’s gospel, the earliest & shortest of the four, has been described as “brief and breathtaking.”  Given the significance of Jesus, Mark is understandably in a hurry to tell us all about him.  From his opening line he quickly immerses us into Jesus’ story and moves us along at break neck speed so we can answer for ourselves the all important questions of “Who is Jesus?”, “Why did he die?”, and “What difference does it make?”

Why not join us online or onsite this Fall as we meet Jesus through Mark's gospel.

Check out these free resources on Right Now Media:

1) Francis Chan Series on "The Gospel of Mark"

2) The Bible Project Overview of Mark (with study question)

3) Dramatic Overview of Mark 

4) Four-part series on Mark by Michael Card