Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship
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Sunday Service for September 10, 2023
David Esau
David Esau
Sunday, September 10, 2023

This week Pastor Dave will begin a new series called: "1 Peter called "Exiles on Mission." Join us this Sunday, September 10th for the first message in this series, "A Timely Message for Exiles." 

1 Peter: Exiles on Mission

We live in a generation in which our elders (at least) can remember a time when Christianity was still a major force in our Western world. But that day has long passed. Our current culture has largely become "not simply increasingly pagan, but is pagan with an anti-Christian flavour." Many of the church's past sins have come back to haunt us (ie, colonialism, sexual abuse), and many of the church's positive influences are now forgotten (ie, hosptials). Do we still believe the Bible is good news for today? The apostle Peter had a timely message of hope for believers he described as foreigners and exiles. Rather than retreat from a culture increasingly hostile to their faith, Peter encouraged and equipped them to follow Jesus' example by living as exiles on mission in it.

(quote from Paul Williams, Exiles on Misson)