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College & Careers is for any one who has graduated from high school. Connecting with our College & Careers group is your chance to get to know others at Eagle Ridge who, like you are experiencing college and work life and desire to build community together! 

Discover and Grow in Faith

Are you a young adult looking for answers to life's big questions? Want to understand your faith better and connect with others on the same journey? Join us for an exciting Bible study event where we'll dive into two powerful books: "The Reason for God" by Timothy Keller and "The Book of Jonah" by David Platt.

Discover and Grow in Faith

Are you a young adult looking for answers to life's big questions? Want to understand your faith better and connect with others on the same journey? Join us for an exciting Bible study event where we'll dive into two powerful books: "The Reason for God" by Timothy Keller and "The Book of Jonah" by David Platt.

Event Highlights:

1- Exploring the Book of Jonah:
- Discover how Jonah's story illustrates the struggle to truly listen and accept God's will, even when it challenges us.
- Learn the importance of obedience and trusting God's plans, highlighted through Jonah's journey.
- Understand God's boundless compassion and His desire for all to repent and be saved, no matter their past.
- See how Jonah teaches us to share God's truth and love with everyone, even those we might initially judge as undeserving.
2- Understanding "The Reason for God"
- Reasoned Defense of Faith: Keller addresses common doubts about Christianity, offering logical and heartfelt answers that appeal to both believers and skeptics.
- Bridging Faith and Skepticism: Through personal stories and cultural analysis, Keller shows that belief in God is rational, intellectually credible, and emotionally fulfilling.

Why Join Us?

  • Engaging Discussions: Share your thoughts and hear from others.
  • Grow Your Faith: "Christians will be challenged to wrestle with their friends and neighbors’ hardest questions, and to engage those questions in ways that will spark an honest, enriching, and humbling dialogue. “Timothy Keller
  • Build Community: "God is determined to spread his Word to all the nations of the earth and use his people to do it." David Plath
  • Practical Application: “God desires to transform the hearts of his followers, making them more like him as they carry out his purposes in the world." David Plath

Don't miss this chance to grow in faith and understanding while connecting with a supportive community. We can't wait to explore these life-changing books with you!


Pastor Yosef 

Have questions or want more information? Please contact Pastor Yosef at