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Our Lead Pastor, David Esau, will be away on a half-sabbatical from April 10th to May 24th, 2023. The rest of the leadership team and admin staff will continue to be available while he is away. 

Why a Sabbatical?

The principle of a sabbatical is rooted in God's institution of a "sabbath rest" on the seventh year--a God-given block of time for rest and renewal (see Leviticus 25). This time is meant to be a time of enrichment and refreshment by study, retreat, project, or other special events.  We believe that a sabbatical increases the effectiveness and longevity of our pastoral staff in our congregation.

What will David be doing on Sabbatical?

During his sabbatical David is planning a combination of study, reading, rest, and preparation for the summer and fall sermon series. 

  • Study - David will be taking the course "Building Relationships Across Cultures"
  • Reading - David has a collection of books that he has been setting aside to read (for upcoming sermon series and ministry development).
  • Visiting - other churches & ministries in the area to see and hear what God is doing in our community.
  • Rest & Re-creation - when the sun shines David is also hoping to spend some time gardening, golfing or fishing.