Ladies Bible Study Fellowship for all ages meet on Tuesdays at 10:00am in the Sanctuary.

Do you know Jesus? It's one thing to know facts about him, but to experience his love, wisdom, and guidance in your life is what it means to follow him. On the night before he was crucified, Jesus invited his disciples into a deep relationship with the triune God-and his invitation stands for you too. In this 6 part series, Francis Chan dives into John 13-17, a passage rich in promises, commands, and eternal truths. He'll remind us we aren't called to apart-time faith-we were made to know, walk with, and commune with God.  

The coffee & tea will be on. Join us. May 14-June 18th. June 18th we follow up our study with a Potluck Lunch. Bring a dish (hot or cold) to share. 

Let Kathryn Klassen know if you are interested in participating at or by cell at (604)340-9947.